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Single Sign-On (SSO) instructions for Azure AD

Steps to create the Interstride Application in Azure Active Directory

  • Click New application.
  • Click Create your own application.
  • Give a name to your new app. Ensure Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery is selected.
  • Click Create. When the application’s overview page displays, the application is created.
  • Click Users and groups.
  • Click +Add user/group. Highlight your choice in the search bar, click Select, and then click Assign. Repeat as necessary to add users/groups.
  • Click Single sign-on.
  • Select the SAML tile. This opens the Setup Single Sign-On with SAML page.

In section 1 (Basic SAML Configuration), provide the two values listed below. You can copy both values from the Lacework Console authentication settings.

In section 2 (Attributes & Claims), release the following attributes:

5unique user identifieruser.userprincipalname

In section 3, download and save the Federation Metadata XML file. Please share this metadata with us.

For any questions, please reach out to your Interstride representation or email us at [email protected]