Automate Student Sync
Interstride offers a dedicated and isolated location within an Amazon S3 bucket for each school, enabling the secure transfer of student data files.
Steps to Upload a File Using the AWS Command Line:
Ensure AWS CLI is Installed
Before proceeding, confirm that the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is installed on your system. If it’s not installed, follow the AWS CLI Installation Guide to install it.
Configure AWS CLI
To interact with the designated S3 bucket, you need to configure the AWS CLI with the credentials provided by the Interstride IT team.
Step-by-Step Configuration:
- Open your terminal or command prompt.
- Run the following command to configure the AWS CLI with a named profile (interstride-profile):
aws configure ––profile interstride-profile
- When prompted, enter the following details:
- AWS Access Key ID: Your AWS access key ID.
- AWS Secret Access Key: Your AWS secret access key.
- Default region name: us-east-1
- Default output format: json
After configuring the CLI, verify the configuration, use the following command:
aws configure list ––profile interstride-profile
If your configuration is correct, this command will display the settings associated with your profile.
Upload File to AWS S3
Once the AWS CLI is configured, you can upload your student data files to the designated S3 bucket.
aws s3 cp <path>/student_sample.csv s3://interstride-importer-uploads/<University folder>/student_sample.csv ––profile interstride-profile
- Replace <path> with the local directory path where your file is located.
- Replace <University-folder> with the specific folder name assigned to your school within the S3 bucket.
Example: If your file is located at /home/user/data/student_sample.csv and your university’s folder is OakridgeUniversity, the command would be:
aws s3 cp /home/user/data/student_sample.csv s3://interstride-importer-uploads/OakridgeUniversity/student_sample.csv ––profile interstride-profile
Note: We only support CSV files for uploads. Ensure that your student data file is in the .csv format before proceeding.
Automate your future upload
Setup cron to schedule a recurring upload to your s3 path with the latest data every semester. Please use Windows Task Scheduler if you are not using a Linux server for these uploads. Pick a monthly, or semesterly date to do your upload (dependent on new student data).